

1.                NAME

1.1              The name of the Association is the Western District (Schoolchildren’s) Cricket Association. (WDSCA).

2.                OBJECTS


2.1              Tobe responsible for the safeguarding the assets, rights, privileges, and liabilities of the Association known as the Western District Schoolchildren’s Cricket Association.

2.2              To promote, organise Saturday morning cricket, within the area defined by the Auckland Cricket Association in such a manner as to allow contributing clubs and schools, within this area, to fulfill their obligation to the Auckland Cricket Association for their promotion of Saturday morning Schoolchildren’s cricket.

2.3              To arrange the selection, management, and coaching of a team, from within Western Districts area, to take part in the Auckland Cricket Association District Tournaments.

2.4              In exercising or carrying out the above objects the Association shall be guided and aided by the contributing clubs.

2.5              Income and property of the “Association” shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the “objects” set forth above.


3.                MEMBERSHIP


3.1              The Association shall consist of a Patron, Vice Patrons, President, Vice President, Honorary life Members, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, bona fide members of the affiliated contributing clubs and delegates from all financial schools and teams acceptable to the Association.

3.2              The subscription to the Association will be by a levy on each affiliated club and school based on numbers of teams actively engaged in competition play. No individual member of any affiliated school or club – Office bearers or Honorary Life members are due contributions.


3.3              The levy will be decided by the Committee and shall be due on commencement date of every calendar year and payable by March 20th.

3.4              No representative of an unfinancial club shall be eligible to vote at any meeting of the Association.


3.5              An affiliated club shall be disqualified from the Association and membership revoked if;


(a)              in the opinion of the Committee, by any action or statement does or says anything that may prevent the Association from carrying out the objects.


(b)              if by notice in writing an affiliated club resigns, provided at all times they shall remain liable for all subscriptions unpaid.


4.                RULES


4.1              The rules of the Association including competitions shall be typewritten or printed and kept in the Custody of the Secretary.


4.2              A copy of the rules shall be available on request to affiliated clubs, schools, and teams affiliated to this Association.


4.3              No rule shall be altered, amended or rescinded except as a special resolution by a majority of two-thirds of members present at a general meeting, notice of which has been duly given.


4.4               A copy of all competition rules shall be available from the Associations web site and or facebook page.

5.                MEETINGS


5.1              The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held each year in March.


5.2              Notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be advertised in a daily or weekly newspaper, Facebook and or the Website.


5.3              Such notice shall also be sent to each affiliated club, schools and teams affiliated to this Association, at least 21 days before the date of the meeting.


5.4              The regular business of the Annual General Meeting, which shall take precedence over all other business (if any) shall be:

(a)              To receive the Annual report and Balance Sheet;

(b)              To elect office bearers for the ensuing season;

(c)               To elect a management committee; and

(d)              To appoint an Auditor or Auditors.

5.5              The final business shall be to consider and deal with any business of which notice of motion has been lodged by any member with the Secretary at least 21 clear days before the date of the meeting and also after the Management Committee considers it desirable to bring before the meeting.

5.6              Nominations may be accepted from the floor provided they are properly nominated, seconded and duly noted to assist in the continuance of filling positions of the association if there are vacancies. All Names of successful nominations are to be recorded and advised to all clubs, schools, ACA, etc.


5.7              Clubs, schools and teams shall be notified of all notices of motion at least 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting.


5.8              Extraordinary General Meetings shall be convened by the Committee upon receiving a request signed by not less than 3 clubs, schools or teams affiliated to the Association.


5.9              Any such request is to state the business to be brought forward at such a meeting.


5.10           Such meetings shall be called within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt by the Secretary of the request and notice shall be sent to all affiliated clubs, schools, and teams affiliated to this Association at least 14 days before the meeting.


5.11           The Annual General Meeting of the Association and all General Meetings shall consist of the office bearers of the Association and the delegates thereto appointed in the terms of this constitution.


5.12           All members, clubs, schools, and teams affiliated to this Association may be present at such meetings and, with the consent of the chairman, may speak to any question and make recommendations to the incoming committee.

5.13           For the purposes of voting at a General Meeting of the Association each affiliated club, affiliated schools teams shall be entitled to appoint up to 4 delegates.


5.14           Each bona fide club, a school shall be entitled to one vote per delegate to a maximum of four delegates per school or club.


5.15           The names of these delegates shall be in the hands of the Secretary or the Chairman of the meeting, before the meeting.


All delegates are allowed to speak to any motion under discussion.

5.16           In the event that a nominated delegate cannot attend they may either appoint another voting delegate OR have a proxy vote.


5.17           A quorum for a General Meeting of the Association shall be 3 bona fide clubs or schools as represented by their delegates and/or proxies.


5.18           At all meetings of the Association the voting shall be decided by a show of hands, but should any member demand it a ballot shall be taken.


5.19           In the event of a tied vote the Chairman shall have the casting vote




5.21           A scrutinizer shall be appointed to oversee the voting and ensure it is conducted correctly- announce the due results and destroy any voting papers at the end of the vote decisions.


5.22           The result to be recorded in the minutes accordingly

5.23           The Secretary or his appointee shall attend all meetings of the Association and of the Management Committee and shall keep a true and correct record of the minutes of these meeting in a minute book which shall be available at all meeting.


6.                MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE


The Management Committee of the Association shall consist of the President, Vice‑President, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting and up to two delegates from each of the affiliated clubs. The Elite Coach will also be on the Management Committee.


6.1              To complete the committee two other members may be elected from schools and teams affiliated to this Association.


6.2              Each Affiliated club shall nominate which two delegates are to be in attendance and in the event of any unforeseen absences a substitute may attend.  The names of the appointed delegates and substitutes are to be recorded at each meeting.


6.3              Affiliated Clubs shall advise the Secretary at or before the Annual Meeting the names of their delegates and of any changes of delegates after the Annual Meeting.


6.4              Delegates to the A.C.A. Schoolboy Committee shall be appointed by the Management Committee and shall become a member of the committee if he/she is not already one.


6.5              The President or, in his absence, the Vice President, shall be the Chairman of the Management Committee and shall have a deliberative and, if necessary, a casting vote.




7.1              Any club may after written application makes a deputation to the Committee at such time and place as the Committee shall decide.


7.2              At all meetings of the management committee a quorum shall consist of the Office Bearers present and at least 50% of the delegates from any of the affiliated clubs, schools or teams affiliated to this Association.


7.3              If any Office Bearer is also acting as a Club Delegate, he may assume a dual role for the purpose of forming a quorum, but shall be entitled to one vote.


7.4              The Management Committee shall have power:


(a)              To control expenditure, to expand the funds of the Association and to incur such liabilities on behalf of the Association as it may deem necessary, to carry out the Objects of the Association.


(b)              To appoint sub-committees and to receive and deal with their reports.


(c)               To consider and adjudicate on any apparent infringement of the rules (code of conduct) or bylaws of the Association whether such infringement becomes known to the committee by formal protest or otherwise.


(d)              To make, alter, amend or repeal such by-laws as it thinks fit for the conduct of the business of the Association, and in particular such by-laws as affect competitions run by the Association.


(e)              To call a General Meeting of the Association at any time.


(f)               To settle any question which may arise and which is not covered by the constitution of the Association.


(g)               To fill any casual vacancy which may occur in the Officers of the Association.

7.5              Any Club whose delegate absents himself from two (2) consecutive meetings of the Committee without reasonable cause, may be notified of the fact and given fourteen (14) days to replace the delegate; if such replacement is not forthcoming the management committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy.


7.6              Any meeting of the Management Committee may be adjourned from time to time.


7.7              A Selection panel for Trials shall be appointed by the Management Committee and the Elite Coach.


7.8              A Director of Coaching shall be appointed and he shall assist in the appointment of coaches for individual teams.


7.9              Any coach so appointed may not be involved in their sons/daughters teams.


7.10           A minimum of Level 1 Coaching certificate is required for Junior Level Coaching.


7.11           It is also incumbent on the Management Committee to ensure that a “manager” is appointed to each team to assist the coach and the association in the enhancement and development of all teams within the association


7.12           The Management Committee shall meet at least five times during the season and at such other times as it may deem necessary.


8.                FINANCIAL


8.1              The financial year of the Association shall end on the 31st day of January in each year.


8.2              True accounts shall be kept of all money received and expended by the Association and at least once a year the accounts shall be examined and a balance sheet prepared and certified by one or more Auditors.


8.3              Money of the Association shall he paid into bank or banks as the Management Committee deems fit, to the credit of the Association, All accounts shall be presented to the committee each meeting with a full list of incomings and outgoings detailed.

8.4              All accounts shall he paid by either Online banking or by cheque/Eftpos. The operation of the account shall be by any two of the following:


(a)              President;

(b)              Vice‑President;

(c)               Secretary; or

(d)              Treasurer,

and endorsement of cheques may be by any one of these.


8.5              At least once a month a financial statement is submitted to the Committee by the Treasurer.


8.6              The Annual Report and Balance Sheet showing all assets and liabilities of the Association shall be prepared by the Treasurer and after audit shall be printed and a copy sent to each affiliated club.


9.                COLOURS


9.1              The colours of the Association shall be Navy Blue with White/Green monograms.


10.              CONTROL OF GAMES ETC.


10.1           The Association shall arrange, control and manage Saturday Morning School Children Cricket in accordance with the Objects of the Association.

10.2           All matches shall be played under the laws of cricket as laid down by the Marlybone Cricket Club, except when any such rule is modified by the rules or by-laws of the Association or by the rules or by-laws of the A.C.A.






11.1           No alteration may be made to the CONSTITUTION unless by the decision of at least three- fifths majority of those present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Association.


11.2           Notice of any proposed alteration shall be given to the Secretary in writing at least twenty-one (21) days before such General Meeting.


11.3           Upon receipt of such notice, the Secretary shall notify all affiliated clubs and office bearers of the Association.


11.4           Each affiliated Club, schools and teams affiliated to this Association shall be provided with a copy of the Constitution of the Association and shall be notified of all amendments thereto.

11.5           Each affiliated Club, schools and teams shall also be provided with copies of all amendments.


11.6           All major complaints by members shall be made in writing to either the President, Vice President, or the Secretary and such complaints shall be laid before the Management Committee at its next meeting and an answer provided by the Secretary accordingly and in a timely fashion.  All minor complaints can be dealt with by the President, Vice President and then relayed to the committee and the next meeting.


12.              WINDING UP


12.1           The Association shall not be dissolved except by the decision of a three-fifths majority of those present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting of the Association.


12.2           In the event of the Association being dissolved in accordance with the preceding rule, the General Meeting shall decide what is to be done with the assets of the Association, but under no circumstances shall any Office-Bearer or member of the Association be entitled to receive or be paid any share or part of such assets.

Updated 24-04-2017  by Andrew Cook – Cook Morris Quinn